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Interlibrary Loan Information

Any ILL requests not submitted through database ILL links or our ILL form should go to:

Interlibrary Loan is a free service Dugan Library provides for all current students, faculty and staff at Newman University.

If you are researching and run across books, videos and article citations that we do not have access to, we are able to borrow books and videos as well as obtain article copies from other libraries in the United States.

If you have questions regarding Interlibrary Loan, please contact the library at

Are you in need of a book and can't find what you're looking for in Dugan Library? That's okay, we can help you with that. Our library provides access to WorldCat, an online catalog of books in libraries around the world. Watch this short video to see how to search WorldCat and place a request to borrow a book from another library.

Books that are borrowed from other libraries typically have a loan period of 4-6 weeks, it varies from library to library, each library sets its own lending period. Please keep this in mind as you request books. Often it is possible to renew books for a longer time, however, renewals are not guaranteed and must be requested prior to the due date.

This is a free service for all current students, faculty and staff at Newman University. At this time we are only able to borrow from libraries located in the United States.

Have you located an article that isn't available full text in one of the library's databases or from some other source? That's not a problem, we can help you with that. Watch this short video to see how to submit an article copy request from within one of our databases.

Is your article citation from another source such as PubMed, Google Scholar, or a bibliography? No problem! Fill out our ILL Article Request Form:

Article copies that are received from other libraries typically arrive within 1-4 days. Often the copies are received in a matter of hours, but keep in mind as you request article copies that it may take several days.

Article copies will be printed and left at the circulation desk in the library for you to pick up. They are yours to keep and don't need to be returned. This is a free service for all current students, faculty and staff at Newman University. At this time we are only able to borrow from libraries located in the United States.