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Resources for Faculty: Linking Full Text Articles in Canvas

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The videos and text on this page are designed to help you create links to journals, individual articles, videos and other content available in subscription databases through Dugan Library.

Remember, you also have the option of downloading the article file, such as pdf documents, and posting them in a Canvas course for students to download. As long as it is an article that is currently available in the database, you have permission to do this. If you have accessed the article through some other source, it is not advisable to post unless you have permission from the copyright holder.

  • Important note: Copying and pasting the URL from the address bar in your browser will not work to connect anyone to the databases and articles. You must use the link features provided in the database to be able to share. The URL/address is unique to your session and can't be duplicated to a new session.
  • The videos have no vocal narration.

All EBSCOHost Databases

This video shows how to search for a particular publication. You can then create a link for students to search or browse that particular journal. OR you can browse and identify articles in a particular journal and create a link to an individual article.

This video shows discovering an article and creating a shareable link that can be used in Canvas.

ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health

This video shows how to search for articles in a particular publication for sharing with students using Canvas.

This video shows how to do a general search for articles and creating a sharable link.

This video shows how to limit your search results to videos and create links to share video content with students in Canvas.