APA differentiates online newspapers, which are online versions of print newspapers (e.g. The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal), from online news websites that are not print publications (e.g. CNN, BBC News, Reuters, or Vox) and has separate formatting for each. For online news website citations, see the websites tab.
Author |
Author, A. A. Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. Name of Group. |
Date |
(2022). (2022, June). (2022, June 14). |
Title |
Title of article. |
Periodical |
Title of Newspaper, C1. Title of Magazine, 363(6422), 33–34. Title of Newspaper/Magazine. |
DOI or URL |
https://doi.org/xxxx https://xxxxx |
Smith, L. (2022, May 31). Wichita moms seeking baby formula turn to social media. The Wichita Eagle, A1.
Petrequin, S. & Casert, R. (2022, July 6). EU lawmakers back gas and nuclear energy as sustainable, drawing criticisms of ‘greenwashing.’ Los Angeles Times. https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2022-07-06/eu-lawmakers-back-gas-and-nuclear-energy-as-sustainable-drawing-criticisms-of-greenwashing
Parenthetical citation: (Smith, 2022; Petrequin and Casert, 2022)
Narrative citation: Smith (2022) and Petrequin and Casert (2022)
Bogost, I. (2022, July 6). Hybrid work is doomed: Office workers work in offices, for better or for worse. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2022/07/work-from-home-rto-flexibility/661495/
Parenthetical citation: (Bogost, 2022)
Narrative citation: Bogost (2022)